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Icon: Entries
Icon: Partners
Icon: Resources


The Challenge is structured around 3 stages.

Stage 1 – Submissions

Submissions opened on 1 February 2023 for an 8-week period and closed on 31 March 2023.

Stage 2 – Proof of concept

Shortlisted finalists have progressed to the proof-of-concept stage.

This is a 12-month period where finalists will prove their concept against an outcomes-based framework.

Each shortlisted finalist will be partnered with organisations in the Pilbara region of Western Australia and receive a grant of $200,000 to commence work to prove their concept on the ground.

The WA Department of Health will be available to support all short-listed finalists in this stage, including:

During this stage, shortlisted finalists will be asked to provide 2 public presentations – at the commencement and conclusion of the proof-of-concept stage.

The finalists will also provide regular updates which will be featured on The Challenge website.

A final submission demonstrating progress towards an outcomes-based framework is to be provided to the judging panel. This will report on proof of concept activity, outlining the success of the proof-of-concept and demonstrable early-stage impact.

The submission will also describe the longer-term implementation plan including a fully costed financial model. 

Expert judging panels

Each finalist application was assessed by 2 expert panels. 

Expert panel 1 (The Challenge) included:

Expert panel 2 (partners) included representatives from regional health care and technology organisations currently working in or representing the Pilbara region of Western Australia. This judging panel was responsible for assessing the relevance of the solutions to the needs of the Pilbara as well as identifying the most appropriate partners to support the short-listed finalists to prove their concept in the region.

Selection of recipients

Based on expert panel assessments, the WA Department of Health will determine and approve the awarding of grants in accordance with the financial and procurement delegation authorities.


The shortlisted proof of concept finalists will be required to submit a final report at the end of the 12-month period which will be used by the judging panel to determine the final winning solution.

The Department of Health:

Stage 3 – Winner announced

One final winner will be determined by an expert panel following the conclusion of the proof-of-concept stage.

The winner will be announced by the Minister for Medical Research in October 2024.

The winning solution will be awarded a $5 million prize to enable further investment in the development of their solution in Western Australia.